What is inner peace and why do you need to have Inner Peace?
“Inner Peace!” Inner Peace!!” “Inner Peace!!!” — Remember who said these and where? Well, these are the words of frustration uttered by our famous Kung Fu Panda — Po. Well we all have seen the movie and its sequels stashed it away in our mind as a children’s movie, that was fun, and that’s all it was. Well surprise, surprise — here I am talking about it in a blog meant to create self-awareness and whatnots. So why was Po wanting to find inner peace? What was so special about it? How many of us relate to the frustration and helplessness of not being at peace ‘inside’?
And WHAT is Inner Peace?
It simply means being calm, having inner harmony, and not having any disturbing or distracting thoughts. The mind can stay calm and composed in every situation. So is it for the hermits and the monks, you may ask. Well, no. you need not have to give up your lifestyle and retire to the Himalayas to pray and meditate all day long. You can attain Inner Peace by living an ordinary, regular life consisting of a job, a family, and fulfilling other responsibilities. As the name suggests, it’s not governed by external circumstances — everything is within.
Now you may ask WHY do I need to have Inner Peace?
Well, all of us desire Inner peace, even though we may not be aware of it. We all can go through our lives not knowing what it is. However, once you attain inner peace, there’s no going back. Your life becomes more peaceful, less chaotic. There’s more control of the inside (which is the emotions not going haywire) which transcends to the outside. Peace of mind goes hand in hand with happiness and we are all responsible for our own happiness. If you keep waiting for someone to make you happy — well, it’s gonna be a long wait. Having Inner Peace gives you a lot of self-acceptance and the permissions to make and live with your mistakes. This is the biggest step towards self-love.
Understanding that you do not have all the answers and be okay with it — is what being at peace with oneself is all about. Once yo are open to that idea the universe will find a way of getting you the answers you really need and do away with the unnecessary chatter. Your inner peace will radiate from inside and your entire demeanor changes, towards yourself, and towards others. You have more confidence to be comfortable in your own skin, without worrying about what you’ve said or how you look from other peoples’ perspectives. You will no longer carry the burden of meeting up to the expectations of others around you. Not because you mean disrespect to them, but because you respect yourself a bit much. The breaking of these shackles is very liberating.
And if all these aren’t reasons enough there are other fringe benefits like –
-Being more tolerant and patient
-Being more grounded and stable, emotionally
-Being able to enjoy bliss and happiness
-Being able to have a positive mindset
-Improves your relationships with people
-Increases ability to get effective resolutions
-Improves the ability to meditate (be still)
-Eliminates stress and anxieties and worries
-Being less distracted and calmer
-Keeps you focused on your goals
Well, you get the drift, right?